Some of the Sisters looking at the fleese quilts. We invited any who wanted to come and learn how to do them.
Display by the Bishop´s Storehouse. It is located in the back of our office building. The sealer in the front is one we use often for the kits we put together. The people in the storehouse are very kind and helpful. One of the volunteers loves to help us on the quilts.
As you can see the Open House was a success, many people learned more about Welfare Services offered by the Church.
This is Anna Lucia, Fernando´s wife, she did Emergency Preparedness. She is a good friend and we will miss her. She is also a really good cook.
The children loved the medical equipment we had.
This display was a hugh hit at the Open House, they really went all out. There was a display of the square foot garden, with dirt, and live chickens.
Lorenzo and Sandra, they work on the 6th floor and do gardening, nutrition and food storage.
Elder and Sister Pettingill, they are the PEF missionaries and share an office on the 5th floor with us. They are so patient when we have the whole office filled with Humanitarian "stuff" including our quilts.
Close ups of the posters we put together. In between all the other things that we had this month we had do get this project done, but it turned out pretty good.
Our display for Humanitarian Services.
OCTOBER 29, 2011
We flew home from Guayaquil Friday night and on Saturday afternoon we took part in a Welfare Open House held at the Iñaquito Stake Center. We were asked to do a display of the Humanitarian projects we have completed as well as general Humanitarian concepts. Everyone was invited but special invitations were extended to Stake Presidents, Bishops and Relief Society leaders. About 300 attended and very much enjoyed the displays and explinations of Welfare Services provided for members and non-members alike. The sisters really enjoyed seeing and asking about the quilts especially the polor fleese ones we have made. Fernando was in charge of this and was so pleased that it was successful. On Monday he asked me to put together some scrapebook pages of the Fair that he could send to Lima for the Area Presidency.
Side Note: Johnny Morande has now been asked to put one together for Guayaquil, we sent him pictures of the one here and offered our posters.
Looks like a great success! Love that there were chickens there.
Great job on the posters! I'm glad it was such a success!
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