One night while looking out the window I noticed lights on the Panicillo. I don´t know if they are new or if we just didn´t notice them last year. We took a taxi to view them close up. Not as impressive as Temple Square but beautiful and fun to see. While there some fireworks were being set off in the city, beautiful!
In Ecuador baby Jesus is in a hammock!
This is the view from our bedroom window! This is very zoomed in and about the only one I got that wasn´t blurry.
Continuing our tradition of eating our way through the mission here are some of the meals we have shared.
THANKSGIVING DINNER and the pies I made for dessert!
A Holiday Lunch with Fernando and his family!
Last year we had very few decorations in our office. Then I found two boxes of decorations in a closet and getting into the spirit of season we went and bought several more items. I think our office was decorated more than any of the other offices in the building! We even did 3D snowflakes!
We added pictures of the life of Christ. We have found it interesting that even here in the church office there is little in the way of remembering the Savior at Christmas.
This year I decieded to decorate the door to our apartment with some lights. The delivery boys from Supermaxi seemed to really enjoy it. As far as I know it was the only door decorated in the building. It sure added to my Christmas Spirit.
Our usual decoration only this year I added several new nativity sets, much to Dads dismay.
Decided to skip over some things and get the holidays on the blog then I can return and catch up. This will be our last Christmas in Ecuador and there is a very bittersweet feeling in our hearts. We are anxious to return to family and friends especially our new grand children but at the same time we have come to love so many here. We don´t know if we will ever return here so we are not sure if we will see these friends again, at least in this life. We pray that we have helped to make things better for some. Our Thanksgiving and Christmas was simple and enjoyable. The best part is talking to family. We spent Thanksgiving at the Mission Home with President and Sister Ghent. All the Senior Missionaries made a part of the dinner and we enjoyed a beautiful meal together.
Christmas Eve we again had dinner this time at our apartment, thus continuing our tradition of eating our way through the mission. We all attended Church Sunday morning and this year there were Christmas Songs and at least a mention of the Savior´s birth. That was because Sister Busby had the choir prepare 2 Christmas numbers. After Church we had a brunch at the Pettingill´s apartment, Idaho Burritos, very yummy. The rest of the day was spent Skyping family and relaxing. Our gifts were few and simple and all are treasures to us. This was truly a special Christmas that we will remember.
New Years is hugh in Ecuador, mostly an excuse to party and drink, but it too has some fun activities. We had dinner at the Geldmacher´s home (yes we ate again), chilie, a cheese ball, vegetables, corn bread. We played games and waited for the fireworks. Earlier the Geldmachers´, Sister Thomas, Sister Pettingill and us took a walk down Amazonas to see the party. There were thousands of people many in costumes; I think they send all the left over Halloween costumes here, many large displays, lots of food, balloon, and cotton candy venders. There was a real party going on! The day before we saw several burnings of effigies on our way home from work. New Year´s Day we attended Church expecting to have the full block but only had Sacrament Meeting so went home and took a little nap. It has been a very busy time from November through December and I will catch up on the blog promise.
1 comment:
I just read all your blogs since August. I am so proud of you for sticking with it. It is so fun to see all your pictures and read about your adventures. I promise I will post something on our blog soon.
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