Nativity scene in Ibarra, notice no baby Jesus, he is placed in the manger on Christmas Eve.
At the end of Christmas Day, there is still some fudge left.
Dad singing his rendition of "The Restroom Door said Gentleman". I should have done a video!
Christmas dinner at our apartment.
We had breakfast with the office Elders. Elder Hakes cooking omlets.
Dad in his new poncho.
Papa Noel visited us!!
Everyone loved the calendars.
We ate, played games and had a little gift exchange, it was a nice evening.
Preparing food Christmas Eve, we are eating our way through this mission.
Christmas dawned rather gray and wet but the day later actually got sunny and warm. We had a nice Christmas. We purchased several items we had decided to get for souvenirs. Dad got a new poncho and a T-shirt. I got a beautiful decorated box and a carved humming bird. These carvings are made from Tugua nuts and are very beautiful. It is known as South American Ivory. Trent and Vi had sent us a puzzle and we got it done Christmas Day. The package Trudy sent arrived just in time and so we had calendars to give to each of the senior missionaries. They loved them! I have missed having pictures of Christ in our home, I love these calendars. Thanks Trudy and Viona!
We had breakfast with the Elders and the Senior Missionaries. Elder Hakes cooked omelets and we had French toast. Later that day we had dinner at our apartment with the office Elders and the mission nurse, Hna. Rogers and her companion Hna. Nelson. I cooked a turkey and some ham and everyone else brought different dishes to round out the meal. We seem to be eating our way through this mission. On Christmas Eve the Senior Missionaries got together, you guessed it, to eat and play games. It has been a nice holiday. We were able to Skype most of the kids and it was fun to see each of you.
A few traditions from Ecuador that I learned this year: The infant Jesus is not placed in nativity scenes until Christmas Eve. There are no shepherds in most of the nativity scenes here. It is Papa Noel that visits the children and leaves toys. There is usually a procession through the streets to the Church for midnight mass. We are not out at night so did not get to witness this tradition.
We hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas and will have a most Joyous New Year!
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