The Yosts´, the Sloans´, the Roses´, Hna. Dreson, the Geldmachers´
Hnas. Naylor, Rogers and Grosbeck.
Going away dinner with President and Sister Sloan
Lunch on Thursday with us the Roses and Fernando Agurrie
Our group going to dinner on Friday night.
Ready to leave for home.
Elder and Sister Rose left Saturday morning. We got up at 5 a.m. to help them load up and head to the airport. There are such mixed feelings, she was anxious to go home but thought she would miss Ecuador and the misssion. I told her I was jealous, she gave me a big hug and said "we are so much alike, I'll miss you". Elder Rose was worried he hadn't done enough on his mission (he did an awesome job with PEF). They were among the first to welcome us here and Sister Rose and I became quick friends. She had been doing nursing in the mission with the young sister missionaries, and was so excited to find out I was a nurse. I think she felt better about leaving knowing there was now another nurse to help out. I will never be able to fill her shoes she did so much for the mission and the missionaries. We had a short time together but will remember them always. We are planning on getting together when we return and continuing the friendship.
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