Elder Eliason at the base of La Gran Cascada.

Last bridge to cross at foot of La Gran Cascada.

La Gran Cascada from below. Elder Vomocil.

The Elders desended a few more ladders and crossed another bridge to view the falls from below. Dad and I were to tired so we hiked a mile back up the road to get the taxi, then we came back and met the Elders and headed for home. We were sore and tired but had enjoyed the day so much. It was so nice to be out of the city and in the mountains.

We followed the left arrow and viewed the falls from the top.

Here the trail became a little confusing.

When we passed by this area the Elders commented that it would be a great place for a baptism.

There were 3 small springs that came right out of the rock, we crossed in front of them on some very slippery rocks and a very small wooden walk that was also very slippery, it was a ways down the cliff to the river.

There were some small but tall beautiful waterfalls along the way.

El Manantial.

Elders Vergara, Eliason, Cox and Vomocil by Cascada Molinuco

Cascada Molinuco it appeared from the picture on the map that people jump from this waterfall and swim in this area.

Elder and Sister Yost by the Rio Pita.

The trail was steep with steps and ladders and many bridges.

Starting down the trail.

This is where the taxi dropped us off, a kind of resort area called Molinucom named after one of the waterfalls. There are zip lines, a place to buy food and here is where you pay to hike into the forest.

La Choclo, the corn statue.

Preparing to leave, we had put together some snacks for the hike but I didn´t make sandwiches since I didn´t know what the missionaries might bring. Before leaving our apartment they made a sandwich to eat now and one to eat later.

Saturday June 11, 2011
Today marks 8 months on the mission. We took the day and traveled to Los Chillos with the office Elders (secretaries and assistants). This is an interesting trip, we start in the front of our building by boarding the Ecovia (bus) and riding it to the end of the line. Here we board another bus and travel to the choclo(corn stock statue). Then we hired a pickup truck for the last 45 minute leg of our journey into the Rio Pita Bosque (forest). There is a beautiful waterfall here that I had seen pictures of and wanted to see, so the Elders said they would take us. Trouble was when we got there they weren´t sure of the trail to take. We asked directions and got a map then started out on a very adventurous hike. We went up and down ladders over the river several times on interesting rickity bridges, took the wrong trail twice, saw beautiful scenery and a few waterfalls but never did get the one we had come to see. I had been told the trail to La Gran Pita Falls was pretty flat, took about 30 to 40 minutes and that there would not be a problem for the Senior Missionaries to make the trip. The trail we went on was almost 2 hours, very steep and rugged, even slippery in a few places. The Elders had a great time and really enjoyed seeing more of the area. We are going to go back and find the right trail because I still want to see La Gran Cascada del Pita.